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Purple Monkey

Branding, Visual Concept & Language, Packaging, Digital & Print Design

Sharuk Besania
Jessica Chheda
Jessica Chheda

Experience the euphoria of "not so monkey business"

Bringing joy to the cannabis community, this brand wanted a lively visual image. A versatile designer who evolves with every design created, I loved the idea of creating a logo and brand that sparks joy. Designed to induce happiness, the palette is jam-packed with pop colours and quirky elements! To bring this brand of high-end smoking apparatives to its' enthusiastic audience, the brand trusted me to come up with an approach and concept that made it one-of-a-kind in India. Highlight: Purple Monkey, the name of the brand, is inspired by a happy strain of weed. The experience of elevated euphoria is celebrated in the logo where a monkey is holding a weed leaf.

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Jessica Chheda Covering Letter-03.png
This is a creative space where strategic insights seamlessly merge with artistic expression empowering brands to stand out in their design and establish meaningful connections with their target audience.

© 2023 DesignPlayByJessica. All rights reserved.

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